Hannah Dahlgren

Blogger / Creative Marketing Guru / ASU Alum
Marketing Manager @ Item 9 Labs


Hey guys, my name is Hannah Dahlgren. I am the Marketing Manager for Item 9 Labs, an ASU Alum, Minnesota transplant, blogger, and creativity driven marketer. I am originally from a super small town in Northern Minnesota, but Phoenix has been my home for the last 4 years. I moved to Arizona in 2014 to attend ASU and study Marketing & Media Analysis, which had been a long time dream for me. Living in a small town, the opportunities were limited. I knew I wanted to get out and experience something way different. After doing the whole college search, attending a out-of-state 4 year university seemed financially impossible. I was lucky enough to get an academic scholarship from ASU that made my dream a reality and I am forever grateful for their generosity. Had I not been able to come here, my life would be so entirely different. During my time at ASU I did an internship at a digital marketing agency, was on the executive board for the American Marketing Association, started a blog (desertiris,com), and worked on campus as an Engagement Leader, where I lived in the dorms all 3 years and planned events for the residential community. Being an out of state student on a serious budget, I pretty much ate up every resource and opportunity I could just to make the most of my experience there.

I decided to get my medical marijuana card in 2016. I needed something that would ease back pain from scoliosis, could be discreetly consumed, and would help me sleep in my dorm bed that felt like a cardboard box. I had previously used cannabis recreationally in high school, but never realized its true medicinal benefits until I got my medical marijuana card and actually knew what I was getting and learned how it would help me. I wanted to have the peace of mind in knowing that what I was using to help my back pain, stress, anxiety, and insomnia, was legal.

After getting my medical card, I was completely inspired and captivated by the community and education that surrounds medical marijuana. It allowed me to learn so much about myself and the plant’s capabilities and revealed to me a whole different view on cannabis. I spent my first year as a patient exploring different brands, dispensaries, and events completely in awe that Arizona has the privilege to have access to this. Coming from Minnesota, I was mind blown that this industry even exists. As I connected with people in the community and felt the impact of educating myself and others, I was hopeful that I would end up working in this industry after college.

I graduated from ASU in 2017 and spent almost an entire year after graduation trying to find my path. I knew exactly the type of position I wanted, but didn’t want to settle for a company I didn’t fully align with. I spent months and months applying to jobs on the internet, going to interviews that didn’t feel right, and turned down offers because nothing was clicking for me. I ended up taking a part time position doing digital marketing for an insurance alliance while serving tables full time so I could stay afloat while I took the time to figure it out. This was not how I had envisioned post-grad life. But I eventually came to the realization that I had to use my discontentment in those positions as inspiration to get myself where I wanted to be.

I knew I wanted to do Marketing in the cannabis space, but didn’t want to market a brand that I didn’t completely vibe with on a creative level. I got connected with Item 9 Labs after falling in love with their products which then lead me to the position I’m in now. I can honestly say that working for this company made all the struggles worth it and I couldn’t be more excited to pour my passion into this brand.

Since becoming an AZ MMJ patient, my relationship with myself and the plant has definitely evolved. Cannabis has played a vital role in my self-development and wellness journey. It has grounded me and served as a foundation for me to lead the life I want. It has allowed me to pause, reflect, and analyze what my intentions are in many situations. It has influenced me to pursue a more natural, plant-based lifestyle- which my body, mind, and spirit thank me for. Cannabis has been the listener during those life changing conversations with myself and has taken me on a path I never expected. I remind myself often how lucky I am to not only have access to this alternative, but to be able to educate others on a daily basis about this life-changing plant as well.


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